Join Us

We welcome individuals who share our values and are eager to embrace a sustainable and harmonious way of life Nature’s Refuge. Becoming a member of our community is a transformative journey, and we invite you to consider the following steps:

  • Take the time to learn more about our community, our mission, and our values. Understand the essence of off-grid living, self-sufficiency, and collaborative practices that define us.

  • Attend our community events, workshops, and open houses to get a firsthand experience of life within our community. These events provide an opportunity to meet current residents and gain insights into our lifestyle.

  • If you resonate with our vision and are eager to join, you can start the selection process. This typically involves spending time within the community as a visitor or temporary resident. During this period, you'll have the chance to immerse yourself in our way of life and for us to get to know you better.

  • After spending time with us, you can express your interest in becoming a permanent member. Our community operates as a close-knit family, and decisions about new members are made collectively. The core group, along with other community members, participate in the decision-making process to ensure a harmonious fit for all.

  • We encourage like-minded individuals to volunteer within our community. Volunteering is a mutually beneficial opportunity that allows both parties to determine if they are a good fit for our way of life. As a volunteer, you'll have the chance to experience our daily routines, collaborate on projects, and get a taste of off-grid living. It's an excellent way to understand if Nature’s Refuge aligns with your long-term goals and values.


Potential investors who believe in our mission and vision can play a crucial role in supporting the growth of Nature’s refuge. Your investments will help us acquire additional land, develop sustainable infrastructure, and expand our community to new locations. By investing in our community, you contribute to the realization of a more sustainable and harmonious world. We invite interested individuals to reach out for further information on investment opportunities.

Community Expansion

As we continue to thrive and evolve, Nature’s Refuge envisions expansion to new locations. Our plans for community growth align with our core values and mission. If you are interested in being part of our expansion, whether as a resident or in another capacity, we welcome your involvement. Our community expansion presents opportunities for individuals who share our vision to contribute to the establishment of new sustainable communities in different regions. Please reach out to us to express your interest and explore potential roles within our expanding family.

Getting involved with Nature’s Refuge is not just about living off-grid; it's about becoming part of a like-minded community committed to sustainability, self-sufficiency, and a harmonious way of life. Whether you choose to join us, volunteer, invest, or be part of our expansion, we look forward to sharing our journey with you and fostering a brighter, more sustainable future together.